Both Home heating oil and Fuel oil spills are typically governed by the Technical Safety Standards Authority (TSSA) as usually the loss is connected to a heating appliance or fuel dispensing operation of some kind. The TSSA will oversee and govern a loss within the property boundaries. If the spill reaches the groundwater table or if the spill migrates off site (or off the property) the TSSA will no longer govern the loss and authority will be handed over to the Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks (MOECP). After remediation of an oil spill is complete, a final technical report is required by the TSSA and/or the MOECP for site closure. The final report must be signed off by a qualified person (QP) such as an Environmental Engineer.
Step 1: Stop the spill.
Step 2: Contain and recover the spill.
Step 3: Collect the contaminated sorbent.
Step 4: Secure the waste.